Tuesday 26 November 2013

Treatment draft

Ideas for music video
By Mary And Leah Song: Diva
Artist: Beyonce

In our survey we asked which characteristics people associate with the artist Beyonce. We are going to take these characteristics and use them in our video. For example people described Beyonce as strong therefore we will ensure to use a strong character to resemble Beyonce in our music video.


The narrative for our music video would be based around a woman who will have the characteristics of a 'diva' The narrative is going to be set at a house party in which everyone will admire the 'diva' There is going to be another character who is less confident and rather than being with everyone else she sits in the bathroom by herself. The main character finds her and gives her a 'diva' makeover which makes her feel better about herself.


Our survey and focus group described a divas characteristics as strong, confident, attractive and feisty. Therefore we will make sure to incorporate these characteristics into our 'diva' actress.


Actors- 2 main characters and 15-20 people to make it look like a party.
Setting- A house which has space for a party, Street for 'diva' to walk down before she arrives at the party.
Technical resources- iMovie, video camera
Props- Cups, non-alcoholic drink bottles, party like outfits, disco lights


We have chosen this particular narrative as the character Beyonce has created her persona to be diva-like. The lyrics are also about a diva therefore it is relevant.
A big part of Beyonce's style motif is dance routines therefore we are going to incorporate dance routines into the narrative. We will make a dance routine for when the 'diva' and less confident girl become friends and the diva gives her more confidence.

I have created this draft treatment to outline our ideas for the music video. Doing this meant that our peers could read this and add comments to our padlet and give us ideas to add to our music video. This will impact our video as it will make us more organised and also add our targets audiences ideas. 

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