Thursday 19 December 2013

Padlet response for treatment

Padlet is a feedback wall in which my class members could read my treatment and then write comments about what was good and bad about it.

I learnt what parts of out music video decisions our target audience would prefer and what they think we could add or maybe take out. For example, someone suggested maybe we should add a green screen section so we may add this to our video.

It will help us with our music video as we can make adaptations to our original ideas that will be appealing to our audience.  For example we have been giving some ideas which can be added to make our narrative more detail, someone also suggested we could add a sub plot. These are all ideas in which we can add to improve our music video.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Treatment draft

Ideas for music video
By Mary And Leah Song: Diva
Artist: Beyonce

In our survey we asked which characteristics people associate with the artist Beyonce. We are going to take these characteristics and use them in our video. For example people described Beyonce as strong therefore we will ensure to use a strong character to resemble Beyonce in our music video.


The narrative for our music video would be based around a woman who will have the characteristics of a 'diva' The narrative is going to be set at a house party in which everyone will admire the 'diva' There is going to be another character who is less confident and rather than being with everyone else she sits in the bathroom by herself. The main character finds her and gives her a 'diva' makeover which makes her feel better about herself.


Our survey and focus group described a divas characteristics as strong, confident, attractive and feisty. Therefore we will make sure to incorporate these characteristics into our 'diva' actress.


Actors- 2 main characters and 15-20 people to make it look like a party.
Setting- A house which has space for a party, Street for 'diva' to walk down before she arrives at the party.
Technical resources- iMovie, video camera
Props- Cups, non-alcoholic drink bottles, party like outfits, disco lights


We have chosen this particular narrative as the character Beyonce has created her persona to be diva-like. The lyrics are also about a diva therefore it is relevant.
A big part of Beyonce's style motif is dance routines therefore we are going to incorporate dance routines into the narrative. We will make a dance routine for when the 'diva' and less confident girl become friends and the diva gives her more confidence.

I have created this draft treatment to outline our ideas for the music video. Doing this meant that our peers could read this and add comments to our padlet and give us ideas to add to our music video. This will impact our video as it will make us more organised and also add our targets audiences ideas. 

Focus Group

Focus Group

Filmed by Mary
Questions planned by Leah

Due to our survey the majority of people who answered were female and between the ages of 16 and 17 therefore we picked our focus group to fit these demographics.

Our focus group said they associated the word 'Diva' with someone who is feisty and brave therefore when filming our music video we will ensure to pick the main role as someone who is confident as is able to demonstrate a confident attitude.
Our survey results showed that majority of people preferred a music video with a narrative and a party theme. Our focus group gave us brief ideas in which we can use a narrative linked to a party theme and still associate it to the song title 'diva' They gave the ideas of having the main role arriving to a party and being centre of attention. We may expand on this idea by adding a narrative of another girl being jealous of all the attention on this girl.
Our focus group said they would like to see free style dance and routine therefore we will include both into our music video.
We also asked our focus group what they wouldn't like to see in this music video. The most common response was a bad costume therefore we will ensure our actress wears a modern outfit which could resemble Beyonce's style.
By Leah Gathergood

Monday 14 October 2013

Music Video Survey and analysis

Music Video Survey

Before we could create our final product it was important we knew what our target audience wanted.
Below, is a link to the survey we conducted and a video which analyses our survey results.

Survey Analysis 
Created and edited by Leah and Mary

Friday 11 October 2013

6 Frame Analysis

Beyonce- Dance for you

This is a 6 frame analysis of Beyonce's music video 'dance for you' I have screen shotted frames of the video in which she is fitting conventions of the pop music genre and also of her star motif. 
This task is important to our music video as we are using the song 'diva' by Beyonce and we need to ensure we include typical conventions of Beyonce's star motif. 

Conventions- generally accepted ways of doing things. For example, pop music usually has lip syncing in their music videos.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Copyright Letter

Copyright Letter 
This is the letter I wrote to Columbia records.
It is important that we send a copyright letter to ensure that we have permission to use the record labels song. This is because there are laws in place which mean you are breaking the law if you use a song which is not yours.

Monday 7 October 2013

Audience Theory

Audience Theory

Today I have learnt about two types of audience theories: 

The effects model (or Hypodermic Model)
Croteau, Hoynes (1997)
This theory is the idea that messages are injected into the audience. The audience is powerless to the messages received to them, causing them to act differently. For example the audience may mimic fashion and dance moves seen in music videos.

Uses and Gratifications
Blumer and Katz (1974)
This theory states that we choose to seek a media text. We may be able to relate to it or find it funny, Blumer and Katz do not believe it is forced upon us.

Chase and status feat Deliah- Time

In class we analysed the 'Time' music video by Chase and Status and Deliah.
The narrative of the music video was about domestic violence. It showed the father abusing the mother and how it effected all memebers of the family, mainly focusing on the daughter.
The end of the music video then shows the daughter calling the police and the dad getting put into prision.

Refering to the hypodermic model, the audience may mimic the violent actions shown in the video. It may subconsiously cause people to be more violent and they may mimic the way in which the father beat up the mother.
On the other hand, some of the audience may be in a similar situation to the young girl in the video and they may positivily mimic the video by calling the police or a helpline and getting help.

Refering to the uses and gratifictaion theory, the audience may choose to ignore the violence and stay focused on the fact that the young girl was brave enough to get help and the family are now out of the tragic situation.

Miley Cyrus- We can't stop 
The narrative of this video simply shows young people at a party.

Refering to the hypodermic model this music video could have negative effects on young people. It may encourage people who are under age to drink and act in an anti-social manner. For example part of the video shows Miley and another girl fighting and creating a lot of mess in a house. Young girls who may idolise Miley may mimic actions like this and think it is okay to act in this way.
However, the audience may instead pick up on the postive side of the video being that they are having fun while being young and care free. They may mimic having fun with friends rather than mimicing the deviant activities.
Refering to the uses and gratifications theory, the audience can choose to ignore the negative side of the video and choose to not mimic illegal or deviant activities. They can instead choose to just see the video as harmless fun.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Leah Gathergood.
Candidate Number: 3065
Studying at: Sixthform @ Swakeleys

In AS media for the first part of the exam we studied the conventions of TV drama and analysed the Camera angles, Editing, mise-en-scene and sound.
For the second part of the exam we studied the music industry. We studied the production chain and compared independant and mass industrys.
For the coursework we had to create the opening scene to a movie genre of our choice. We had to make sure it had the conventions of the genre. e.g- Horror movie usually has dark lighting.