Friday 11 April 2014

Evaluation- Question 4


Blogger - Blogger became an essential part of our work as it was what we used to present all our research and planning work.
Although we were new to blogger it didn't take longer to figure out how to use it. We learnt how to embed videos and upload images to blogger, this was sometimes challenging as the image would not always be placed where we wanted it. We overcame this by typing the text first and then putting then inserting the images after so it would not look messy.

Cameras - As we have been studying media for 3 years, we are used to using the cameras and tripods. However,it was important we remembered how to brought more than one camera with us when filming. This was essential as it helped us get different shot, also, if one was to run out we still had the other.
We also had to remember to import our work from the camera to the mac computer straight away so that we didnt loose any work if other students were to use the camera.

Imovie- Imovie was a very essential part to our music video as it was needed to put everything in order, make any lighting changes, change it to black and white and lip sync it.

Photoshop- Mary and I found Photoshop the most challenging part. We had to use it when creating our digipak. We used it to polish and perfect our pictures, and to add any text needed.

By Leah Gathergood

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