Thursday 16 January 2014

Final Treatment


By Mary Thompson

The narrative for our music video would be based around a woman who will have the characteristics of a 'diva' The narrative is going to be set at a house party in which everyone will admire the 'diva' There is going to be another character who is less confident and envious of the 'diva' character. She isn't confident as she has been put down by a group of girls who are also at the party. The girls watch and laugh at her making her feel even more insecure. She watches how confident the diva is and the diva eventually starts speaking to her. The girl opens up to the diva and explains how these other girls are making her feel. The diva takes her upstairs and gives her a make over to make her look better. The girl then feels more confident and they both go back to the centre of the party together and start doing a dance routine. The girls who were originally bullying her are jealous and storm out of the party.


Our survey and focus group described a divas characteristics as strong, confident, attractive and feisty. Therefore we will make sure to incorporate these characteristics into our 'diva' actress.


Actors- 2 main characters and 15-20 people to make it look like a party.
Setting- A house which has space for a party, Street for 'diva' to walk down before she arrives at the party.
Technical resources- iMovie, video camera
Props- Cups, non-alcoholic drink bottles, party like outfits, disco lights


We have chosen this particular narrative as the character Beyonce has created her persona to be diva-like. The lyrics are also about a diva therefore it is relevant.
A big part of Beyonce's style motif is dance routines therefore we are going to incorporate dance routines into the narrative. We will make a dance routine for when the 'diva' and less confident girl become friends and the diva gives her more confidence.

Costume List

Costume Ideas

by Leah Gathergood

When asking our focus group what they would least like to see in our music video, they said a bad costume. This was because part of Beyoncé's star motif is to constantly have a nice outfit on and hair and make up done, this meant if our main character was to look casual or wear a bad outfit, it would be wouldn't be conventional. Therefore, we chose dresses for our main character that were sexy yet classy.
We also decided our main character should wear a jacket, this was so we could show someone else removing her jacket for her, emphasising her 'diva' personality.
Also, when we were researching pop music videos and looking at their costumes, we noticed, particularly with Beyoncé, that female singers majority of the time wear high heeled shoes in their music videos, as well as when performing. Therefore, we made sure our main character was wearing high heeled shoes throughout the video.
Overall we chose our costume for our main character to fit the typical conventions of pop music, for example having hair and make up done, but also fit to the star motif of Beyoncé, which is something classy, but something that would also stand out.
When choosing costumes for the people who were in the party scene, we wanted them to look smart but not so they out shine our main character. We asked them to wear jeans and a nice top or blouse. This was so they looked like they were dressed for a party.
Having a costume list and ideas helps us to be more organised when filming as we know what we now need to get or bring in from home.

Equipment List

  • This is a list of the equipment needed when filming our music video. 
By Mary Thompson 
  • Digital camera (video camera) - This will be used to film and record the music video footage as well as take still images of the video for us to use in the divi pack and magazine advertising.
  • Tripod - This will be use to hold the camera still during the filming process, it will also help for nessicary camera pans and tilts.
  • Camera lights -  so the shots are bright and clear
  • Light reflector -  control the reflection of the lights
  • Memory card -  to save the work and upload footage
  • USB wire - to upload the footage
  • Apple Mac Computer - Editing
  • Costumes - party clothes, dresses, trousers and t-shirts
  • Props - Bottles, lights,  cups, drinks.
  • Studio/hall/house (setting)
Having an equipment list helps us to be more organised as we can use to as a check list to make sure we have everything we need before beginning to film.