Friday 28 February 2014

Digipak Research

A Digipak
A digipak is a type of packaging for a CD. It is usually used for a special purpose, such as a limited addition.

Rihanna's Digipak 
The first digipak we looked at was Rihanna's 'talk that talk' album.
The images of Rihanna suit her star motif of being rebellious. There are images shown of her blowing smoke out of her mouth and also one of her smoking. One of the images denote her with her legs open, which is connoting sexuality.
This digipak is also 4 panels which is conventional of a pop music album.
The digipak also has a warning that there is explicit content, therefore adults will be aware of this if they have young children who want the album.
The title of the album and name of artist are also included on the front picture.

Beyoncé's digipak

On google we found an analysed Beyoncé digipak. As shown the front cover denotes a mid shot of the artist and her name and album name written in white font. 
This digipak also conventionally has 4 panels. One of the pictures show a full body shot of Beyoncé, will other smaller pictures next to it. There are also pictures in the background behind where the CD's are placed.       

Our digipak research shows that conventionally to use 4 panels therefore we will take this into consideration when creating ours.
Also, it is shown that there should be a close up of the artist as well as a full body shot. 

by Leah Gathergood 

Monday 24 February 2014

Shot list

Shot List            
This was a plan of our shot list, however we made many changes when filming. For example, we were unable to film in a house, so we had to film in the oracy space in our school. This meant there were many changes of location and slightly of the narrative.

By Leah Gathergood and Mary Thompson

Thursday 20 February 2014


Before creating our story board, me and Mary printed out the lyrics to the song 'diva'
We then wrote down a rough plan of what we wanted to happen in each part of the video.
Writing next to the lyrics helped us when creating our storyboard and filming. It also ensured that what was happening in the music video matched the song lyrics.

By Leah Gathergood

Created by Leah and Mary